Dark Secrets Page 2
“Look Joyce, if we are going to give you a new life and a new start, then I think it only fair to point out that every young woman now days shaves their pussies, it looks like you are wearing an old persons wig down there between your thigh’s”. And they both burst out laughing at this remark.
“I haven’t laughed like that for a very long time”. Said Joyce as a small tear rolled down her cheek from her pretty green eyes.
“Well we are going to do a lot more laughing like that now you are here”. Replied Carol.
At that moment Graham came back to the barn. “Where are you? He shouted.
“In the bathroom replied Carol and we are both naked”.
“Well neither of you hasn’t got anything that I haven’t seen before, so that doesn’t matter”.
“Bring a glass up with you”. Shouted Carol.
The thought of Carol’s husband coming into the room while she was in the bath now filled Joyce’s mind with fear. “Carol don’t forget I have nothing on”.
“Don’t be silly it’s perfectly alright, you are under the bubbles anyway”.
And few seconds later Graham appeared with his glass and poured the wine from the bottle which was on the end of the bath, and then he sat on the side having a perfectly normal conversation with the girls.
“You know I really am so pleased for you Joyce, and trust me you are perfectly safe here. Carol told me that your husband doesn’t know where we live, but even if he did it wouldn’t make any difference. We have several security measures in place in the houses and the gardens that we will explain to you later, and as such he wouldn’t be able to get in if he wanted to, but you will be able to come and go as you please”.
“What time will your husband realise that you are not at home”? He asked.
This question stopped Joyce dead in her tracks, it was the first time that she had even thought about that, and to be fair, it did fill her mind with a little dread. But just by this simple act of being here naked with other people in the same room had served only to improve her confidence level tremendously.
“He should get in about 6pm, do you think I should have left him a note”?
“No! Definitely not, you don’t owe that piece of shit anything, show Graham your bruises”. Now what was Joyce supposed to do.
“You don’t need to if it will upset you”. Said Graham,
But Joyce placed both hands on the side of the bath and pulled herself out of the water to reveal the marks, and Graham examined them closely.
“He really was a bastard wasn’t he”? Remarked Graham. Let me go and get some tea tree oil, which will help disperse those marks much more quickly”. And Graham left the two girls and went back to his own home for the oil.
“Carol, I would never have believed in a month of Sundays that people can share a life that is so very different to my own, and I would also never have had the balls to be seen naked by other people, but you have opened my eyes and suddenly it all seems quite natural and normal”. And for the first time Joyce had a little sparkle back in her eyes that had been missing for so long, her confidence and more importantly her self-esteem were finally rising to the surface even after this very short passage of time.
“Where’s that razor Carol? Let me get rid of this old woman’s wig as you called it between my legs, this is my life now”.
Carol now had tears rolling down her face with laughter at Joyce’s statement as she went over to the bathroom cabinet.
“Here’s the razor and the shaving cream, but don’t forget to be gentle”.
Joyce quickly rubbed the foam all over her pubic hair and started to shave away the years of growth, and within a few minutes her pussy was as bald as a badger.
“So that’s what it looks like, it’s been so many years since I have seen it. I think the last time was when we were at school together after sports, but then again it’s never had much use or seen much action to be fair. John was never the best of lovers even when we first got together, and his willy is a bit on the small side and not very thick either, most times I never felt it at all, I just pretended to”.
By now they were both in fits of laughter as Graham returned with the tea tree oil.
“Just wait till all those bruises disappear, and look at your pussy, wow what a transformation in such a short time, that’s absolutely brilliant”.
But even with her new found confidence she still managed to blush a little at his comment. Carol walked over to Joyce and put her arm over Joyce’s shoulder.
“Graham take a photo of us naked together”.
He took his phone out of his pocket and told the girls to smile, and even though the concept of behaviour like this was a little alien to her, Joyce was more than happy to pose for her first ever naked picture.
“Right I have some work to do and I also have some visitors coming to see me later, and so I will leave you two in peace”. He said.
Carol got dressed and followed Joyce into the bedroom so she could decide what to wear, and eventually she opted for a red dress that was quite short but very stylish.
“Here put these on as well”.
And Carol past her a pair of very skimpy red nickers and a lacy red bra. Joyce looked at herself in the mirror and the reflection she saw was one that she hadn’t seen for many years, and a few small tears again fell from her pretty green eyes. She had even forgotten that she was 5feet 8inches tall even without shoes, Joyce was by now so excited by the things she had done already since she arrived and she also realised what a true friend Carol actually was. The girls finally made their way downstairs and sat at the table as Joyce divulged what her husband had considered to be sex.
“Even though we never had any real sex for years, what he forced me to do now really fills me with disgust, I should have left him years ago or even bit off his very small cock. But I was so afraid and truthfully I still am, but now thanks to you Carol I have finally done it and I now finally realise with every inch of my body how much I hate that bastard and his sister, I wish I had killed them both and then I would have been free of them forever”.
“Yes that’s true, but don’t forget you would also have been locked up” Replied Carol as she looked at her friend and fully understood the terror and torment that Joyce’s husband had inflicted on her over so many years, but by this one act of leaving him she also realised that he may not want to give her up that easily, if he did so then his control over her would be broken and he would have lost the fight and that was really not his style.
“Look Joyce, Graham and I will do whatever is required to keep you safe and help you start a new life, but remember we also need to take care whenever we go out. I am fairly certain he will know that you are with me, and even though I have not worked at the accountants for years, he will realise that this would be a starting point if he wants to look for you, and I am very convinced that he will”.
Joyce turned and looked at her friend and said. “Carol, I never thought to ask you and you never did say what you were doing now for a job”?
“Oh I work with Graham”.
“He is in security isn’t he”?
“Sort of. Carol replied, I will tell you more about that another day”.
“That’s fine by me, I didn’t mean to pry, I was just curious that’s all”. Said Joyce.
“Right, let’s go out and get your hair done and make you into a “proper posh tart”.
“Carol I am so grateful to you”.
“Look, it’s my pleasure and I am enjoying myself, and so let’s make this this the first day of your new life with your rules and fuck everybody else”.
The pair now went outside and Joyce looked at her new surroundings set in the countryside before finally getting into Carol’s Mercedes, and as they reached the end of the drive the large wrought iron metal gate’s slowly opened, and day “one” of Joyce’s new life began.
“I am going to take you to my favourite hairdressers in Coventry, it’s only a small place bu
t she is brilliant and also we are well away from your husband, and as such I can take you shopping and know that we won’t bump into him or his sister, is that alright with you”?
Joyce looked at Carol, “Thank you so--”,
“Look, for goodness sake stop thanking me, the fact that you have finally left him is thanks enough for me, so let’s have no more of it, today is a celebration”. Said Carol.
As they were driving along they spoke of many things, nothing in particular just girl talk which was something Joyce hadn’t done for years, and eventually they arrived at the hairdressers where she was introduced to Barbara. A short time later and with a little juggling of customers and their appointments she found room for Joyce. She examined her hair at close quarters before she asked Joyce.
“When did you last have your hair done?”
“I really can’t remember, it has been so long”. And then completely out of the blue Joyce replied.
“I have a husband who is a bastard”.
“Funny you should say that, so did I”. Replied Barbara who now had a very large smile on her face.
“Did you leave him”? Asked Joyce.
“No, much better than that, I stabbed him. But even then the bastard wouldn’t die, and I got 3 years, but trust me it was more than worth it to see the blood running from him, it’s just a pity it didn’t run faster and for a lot longer”.
“When I came out of prison I moved back home. My Dad had always told me not to marry him in the first place, but I didn’t listen, I thought I was in love, but when I was back home my Dad helped me find this shop and I have never looked back since. Good men like my Dad are hard to find, and if I ever have another man I am going to get Dad to interview him first before I decide”. And everyone in the shop was laughing.
“Are you still with your husband”? Asked Barbara.
“No, I left him this morning”.
“What did he say”?
“He doesn’t know yet, not until he gets home tonight and then he will”.
“Good for you, I assume that mark on your neck was a present from him”?
“Yes it was and there are and have been many others too”.
“Well in that case I am going to give you the full works, so let’s get started”.
Joyce picked a style from one of the catalogues and Barbara got to work while her assistant started on her nails, and 3 hours later she stood up and looked at herself in the full length mirror and shed tears of joy at the image that appeared before her, Carol hugged her as did Barbara and everyone in the shop applauded her as she took a small bow. Joyce emerged from the shop and took a very deep breath and suddenly she saw the world in a totally different light. Now she suddenly felt like a real 29 year old woman with so much to give, whereas in her previous life she was already dead. The girls linked arms as they toured the shops and had a belated lunch in a very posh hotel.
“Do you know, I can’t even tell you what time it is, I left my watch “at the other place”, but I want it back, it was a present from my Mum before she died”.
“Don’t worry about that, we will sneak back and get it next week if you like, but if you really want to know it is nearly 5pm and we do need to get back as Graham has some very important potential clients coming to see him later”.
With all their bags in hand the girls made their way back to the car and returned home. It was just on 6pm as they finally arrived.
“I will pop across and see you in a minute”. Carol said.
And Joyce made her way along the drive to the barn and put the kettle on for what she thought was a well-deserved cup of tea. Joyce glanced at the clock and realised that John, her husband must have now arrived back home to find that not even the fire had been cleaned out never mind about any food being ready, and the gravity of what she had done finally hit home and deep confusion set in her mind. Would he try to find her, how much would he hurt her if he did, but then her thoughts returned to Barbara at the hairdressers?
“If he hurts me, then I will kill him and rid the world of another bastard husband”. She thought to herself as she looked in the mirror.
About ten minutes later Carol came over and they shared a cup of tea as they discussed all the events of a very long day, a momentous day in the life of a now very beautiful woman who had now been given a second chance at life by her friend, and she now intended to become that same sophisticated person she originally was when she worked at the accountants, but she was unsure of which direction to take in her new life. Joyce was well aware that she owed Carol everything and her main priority now, was to repay that trust and the love that had been shown to her without her expecting anything in return, and now in this one momentous day she was starting to believe in herself as never before.
“Right I am going to leave you in peace and go and help Graham get ready for this evening”. Said Carol.
“Can I help in anyway”? Asked Joyce.
“Thanks for offering but most of it is already taken care of, it’s mostly paperwork that I have to finish, but maybe next time if you don’t mind”?
“You know you have only got to say and I would be there like a shot”.
“Well, funny you should say that, but I know Graham was thinking about taking someone on, but his is a very specialist company and a lot of the work is of a financial nature so it may well be right up your street. Look let me have a word with him, but don’t be too disappointed if he says no”.
“Now remember that Graham talked about the security we have on the property, so let me explain a little more. The gardens and the drive are all covered by CCTV, plus flood lights and motion sensors, so please don’t go out after dark until I show you what to do and give you a special set of keys”.
“Wow you take security very seriously don’t you”?
“We need to in our business, but I will explain more tomorrow. See you in the morning”.
“Thanks again for being my friend Carol”.
“Away with you”. She replied.
Now on her own, Joyce watched the television with a glass of wine for a few hours before eventually making her way upstairs to bed, and now alone in her room, and with the protection of her friends very close by, she looked out of her window, and parked outside Carol and Grahams house she saw three very large cars on the drive with what she assumed were the drivers talking amongst themselves while the car’s occupants were being entertained in the house, and she thought to herself.
“What a very different life her friends were leading compared to her own”.
But she was determined not to allow her head to drop as she also realised that tomorrow would be day two of her own new life with whatever that would bring.
The sun was shining brightly through the window as Joyce awoke from the best night’s sleep she had experienced in years, the previous night in her new bed she had made the decision to sleep naked from now on, but even with this new found bravado she stood behind the curtain on this cold morning to look outside and survey this brave new world that she was now part of.
The cars that she had seen the previous evening were now gone and the drive was clear, but she had been so soundly asleep she had not heard them leave.
“I hope Graham’s business went well with his new clients”. She thought.
Just then the silence was broken as the phone rang, and for some reason Joyce suddenly went into panic mode, who could be calling me, no one knows I am here. She very slowly and tentatively walked over to the dressing table in her bedroom and picked up the phone.
“Hello, who is it”? She asked.
“Don’t panic, it’s only me”.
Joyce gave a large sigh of relief on hearing Carol’s very reassuring voice.
“Put your dressing gown on and come over for breakfast, go through the kitchen, through the lounge and take the door on your right, we are in there”.
With panic now over, she left the barn and walked down the drive and into the big house. This was
the first time that she had ever been in the house and it took her breath away. The kitchen was enormous with many fitted cupboards and a large island in the middle, and all had granite worktops, and at one end of the room there was even a sofa and coffee table. She walked into the lounge and again she realised that this was the sort of room that you see in glossy magazines with such deep carpets and so beautifully decorated. Joyce walked up to the door as requested and opened it to find herself in a large room with a swimming pool.
“Good morning Joyce”.
Shouted Graham from the pool as Carol sat in the hot tub on one side of the pool waving to her.
“Have a swim or join me in the tub it’s up to you”. Said Carol.
“I think I will have a swim first and then join you if that’s alright”.
“Not a problem replied Carol, throw your dressing gown on the side”.
Joyce hesitated for a second before she took off the gown and dived naked into this beautiful pool. She and Graham past each other a few times going up and down the pool sharing pleasantries as they did so before she finally climbed out and walked over to the hot tub and climbed in.
“Oh, this is very hot in here, are you trying to boil me”? Said Joyce.
Carol asked if she had slept alright.
“It was great”. Replied Joyce.
A few seconds later Graham got out of the pool and Joyce watched him as he too walked naked and joined them in the tub.
“You know, I am getting quite used to not wearing any clothes”.
“We are so pleased that you feel comfy with it, normally when the gates are closed and we are on our own we very rarely wear anything, there’s not a lot of point really. But you must do whatever you feel comfy with and take no notice of us, all we want is for you to be safe and secure, but Graham can take care of that”.
Joyce thought to herself, that it was a strange thing to say. “Graham can take care of that”. Regarding her safety, but she quickly dismissed the remark.